Return Request

Trust GeoLur’s Geotechnical Instrumentation expertise for precise monitoring and analysis. Our professionals ensure structural integrity and safety, empowering your project with reliable data and insights.

All items returned to GeoLur must have an officially issued Return Authorization (RA) Number, which can only be acquired by contacting GeoLur directly. GeoLur will NOT accept, nor work on, any returned items without a Return Authorization Number and a signed Health and Safety Clearance Statement.

Return Authorization Process:
Please fill out and submit the form below to initiate a request for Return Authorization (please note: items marked * are required).
GeoLur will assign a Return Authorization Number, then contact you directly to provide this number along with the Return Authorization Form.
The Return Authorization Form contains a Health and Safety Clearance Statement which must be signed and returned to GeoLur. Please submit the completed form via email to: GeoLur Repair Department
The shipping package, containing the returned product(s), must have the assigned Return Authorization Number clearly printed on the outside and the signed Return Authorization/Health and Safety Clearance Statement form included inside.

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